Morning Catholic must-reads: 23/02/18

A daily guide to what’s happening in the Catholic Church

German bishops have voted “overwhelmingly” in favour of a guide advising non-Catholic spouses when they can receive Communion (Rorate Caeli, Fr Anthony Ruff).

Cardinal Robert Sarah has said that the Devil is seeking “to extinguish faith in the Eucharist, sowing errors and favouring an unsuitable manner of receiving it” (Fr John Zuhlsdorf).

Attacks on Indian Christians “more than doubled in 2017”.

Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith has urged Sri Lankan politicians to “shed their differences and unite to solve the current issues”.

Bishop Marcello Semeraro says the Pope’s Lenten spiritual exercises are part of “ongoing reform”.

Fr George Rutler considers the “malleable arithmetic” of Fr Antonio Spadaro.

And Patrick Walsh explains why he’s produced a CBS sitcom about a lapsed Catholic who decides to “live biblically”.

Follow me on Twitter @lukecoppen for updates throughout the day.


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